Written by Chief Global Gal Brenda
The summer seems to be slipping by so quickly… Don’t have the time or money for a family vacation this summer? Or maybe you’d like to avoid the hassle or stress of planning a trip on top of all the other “to do’s” in your life? Then consider a staycation this summer!
Recently I attended the Irish Clan of Iowa event at a local steakhouse and the moment I walked in memories from a “staycation” my parents planned when I about 10 years old came flooding back. This was the very place, after all, where I had my very first fancy steak dinner and my parents told me I could order anything on the menu! That was a big deal in my world. I think this recent visit was the first time I’d been back to the restaurant in over 30 years, yet the memories were as fresh as if I had just walked through the door with my parents yesterday. As memories of that one-week staycation filled my thoughts, I couldn’t help the smile on face.
We traveled only one hour to the capital city of Des Moines and spent a fantastic week exploring all of its sights and activities—the Art Center, the Botanical Gardens, the Science Center, Adventureland, camping at Cutty’s, staying in a hotel with a pool, and getting to splurge at the gifts shops, ordering food (we normally wouldn’t get to—like steak!), and doing things we normally wouldn’t! To this day, I still remember that “staycation” with great fondness, and while my parents took us on many trips after that—to Colorado, Disneyland, Wyoming, Minnesota—I realized that my staycation memories are equally special!
I learned at an early age that you didn’t have to go far to “travel” and experience all of its great benefits! That staycation taught me that you can explore the world in your own backyard. It really isn’t always about where you travel or how much you spend; it’s more about having that quality time together with your family. Away from all of life’s busy schedules and distractions; sharing experiences together and making memories that will last a lifetime. Here at Global Gals, we feel it’s not so important where you travel, when you travel, or who you travel with—we see it all as having value. Rather we hope that you give yourself the chance to travel—even if it is close to home.
During that special week my family had such a memorable, magical time together. We also had the added bonus of not having to worry about the stresses of dealing with another language, spending a fortune on airline flights, dealing with a long car journey or other complications that can come with long-distant trips. It was a trip that seemed entirely focused on having that time together to explore, enjoy, and experience! Most likely you and your family haven’t even seen many of the “tourist sites” or really explored your city, or a nearby town or city. In fact, there’s a pretty good chance a lot of it will be new to you and your family, and that’s what travel is all about: experiencing things you might not otherwise experience in your day-to-day world.
Even if you don’t have children, I would encourage you to do a “solo” staycation or one with your partner, spouse, or your girlfriends. I know of a gal in Australian whom I used to work with who looked forward to her staycation every year! She would pile up all those books she wanted to read, clear her
schedule, hire someone to clean her house that week, splurge on special foods and wine, and relax by her pool (with no guilt about the laundry piling up). She said, “Why pay for a hotel to sit by a pool when I could just enjoy my own—which I don’t get to do in my day-to-day hectic life!” She would even hire a pool boy/bartender to wait on her. Hmmm…. Sounds good to me! Maybe I’ll join her one day for her “staycation.”
We hope you enjoy your summer travels— both local and global—wherever they take you this year. We’d love to hear about your travel adventures and where in the world our Global Gals are going (or have been). You can share them with us by emailing me at: brenda@globalgals.com