Be a Global Gal!
Global Gals is here to help YOU become the confident, safe, and savvy world traveler that you can be!
This year learn how to…
Achieve your travel dreams and goals
Travel the world to new and interesting places
Broaden your horizons, test your limits, or get out of your comfort zone
Learn how to save $$, time, and effort when planning your next trip
Connect and communicate effectively across cultures
Be inspired and empowered to see the world
Feel more confident and comfortable on your next trip
Learn valuable travel tips from our travel seminars
If you said, “Yes!” to any of these, then Global Gals is here to help YOU!
Purchase one of our incredible travel education packages today to get access to all the knowledge, inspiration, tips, and tricks you need to unleash your inner travel diva today!
We help women just like you!
Global Gals is a company with a lot of heart, created in the spirit of helping women achieve their travel dreams and goals. Our mission is to empower and educate women—of all ages and backgrounds—to live, work, and travel in this amazing world! We’re here to help you, whether you are a new or seasoned traveler, an expatriate, planning a trip for you and your family, a budget backpacker, a college gal, a global business gal, or just interested in learning more about the world and connecting across cultures when you travel. Global Gals is here for you!
Become a Global Gals Learner or a Global Gals Explorer today!
With both our Learner and Explorer Packages you’ll get 10+ hours of valuable travel education—delivered straight to your inbox once a month. Watch webinars or listen to podcasts by travel experts whenever and wherever you want—on your schedule and even from the comfort of your own home on your computer, tablet, or mobile device.
Check out our list of online travel seminars below to see the topics we’ll be covering.
- January: Achieve Your Travel Dreams in 7 Easy Steps
- February: How To Get a $20K Luxury Trip for Less than $5K
- March: 3 P’s: Prepare, Plan, and Pack Like a Pro
- April: Staying Healthy on the Road
- May: Budget Backpacking 101 – Exclusive Interviews
- June: Traveling with Children (During Summer Vacation)
- July: Inspirational Interview with a Global Gal
- August: How to Connect Across Cultures
- September: How to Travel for Free (or Nearly Free!)
- October: Safety and Security for Women Travelers
- November: Travel Insurance – Do’s and Don’ts
- December: Cruises – What You Need to Know!
Please note that this is our tentative schedule for our 2018 seminars for the Global Gals Learner & Explorer Packages. We may change or add topics depending on interest level and/or feedback shared from our Global Gals.
It’s convenient, it’s easy, and you can sign up TODAY!
Discover everything the Learner and Explorer Packages. See below to decide which package is best for you!
Global Gal Learner
- 12 Online Travel Seminars
In depth travel guides and information from travel experts around the world
Trade secrets that allow you to be the best traveler possible
Variety of topics ranging from how to get a 20k trip for 5k to how to backpack through Europe and how to solo travel - Travel Tuesdays – Tips, News, and More!
Latest blog posts
Global Gals event information
Weekly top 5 travel tips - –
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Global Gal Explorer
- 12 Online Travel Seminars
In depth travel guides and information from travel experts around the world
Trade secrets that allow you to be the best traveler possible
Variety of topics ranging from how to get a 20k trip for 5k to how to backpack through Europe and how to solo travel - Travel Tuesdays – Tips, News & More!
Latest blog posts
Global Gals event information
Weekly top 5 travel tips - Discounts on Trips, Retreats & Events
- $50 Global Gals Bucks – (for Select Programs)
- Exclusive Invites to Special Events & MeetupsGrow your travel networkConnect with women internationally
- “Meet a Travel Buddy” – 3 Different WaysPair up with like-minded women and travel companions
- “Explorers-Only” Updates, Tips, & BonusesExclusive discounts on international tripsto places such as Namibia, Bali, and more!